Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Final Wrap Up Post

I know this post is really late and probably not going to count, but I thought I'd do it anyway. I've learned a lot in graphics this semester. Before this class, I didn't even know what indesign was, let alone how to use it or photoshop and illustrator. Although I struggled at times with my designs, I was proud of my final products. Obviously, I really struggled with my blog postings and I have no excuses for that. They were relatively easy assignments and because I don't have Friday classes, often times I completely forgot, which is totally my fault. Other than that, I really enjoyed the class and I learned a lot. I also really appreciated my peer feedback during class, you guys were awesome. Thanks so much for a great semester!

Saturday, December 6, 2008


I thought GRA 217 is a beneficial class because graphic and visual knowledge is incredibly important to what we do in communications. There are so many ways to communicate, and to make it in this industry at this time it is important to be able to communicate in many diverse ways. I came into this class with good knowledge of the programs, but now I can channel my creativity into more concise and graphically pleasing products that I can hopefully use in the magazine industry. I also really enjoyed Professor Taylor and I hope to take another class with her again. I LOVE GRAPHICS!!


This class was awesome in many ways. I've never used any of the Adobe programs prior to this course (I never had to) but after taking this course, I come to appreciate them and their potential use in real life. I also learned to be more creative and original, and although many of the projects were challenging, the challenge was necessary for me to learn the important skills. I know I never created projects that blew people's mind away, but I know that I improved a lot since the first day of class. I'm just thankful that I was given the opportunity to take this class with Professor Taylor and Wasim who were both very helpful in and out of class. Thank you once again.

Wrap Up Post

I enjoyed Graphics 217 and learned a lot about the different programs. I really will not lok at type or color the same. I liked the poster project and enjoyed learning about Adobe illustrator. Overall there were some components that were harder than others (the magazine project), however I do feel that I accomplished and learned a lot from this class. Thanks Wasim for your help and I hope to take what I learned in this class and apply it to other classes and possibly beyond graduation.

Wrap Up Post

I thought that GRA 217 was a very interesting experience, and I did learn a lot from the course. Even though I am not a graphics major, I think that the knowledge of the Adobe Suites is extremely beneficial for anything that I may do later in my college and professional careers. My favorite projects of this course would have to be the logo and the resume because I think that I will most definitely be able to use those designs in the near future. Also, I thought that we learned a number of interesting things in lecture that necessarily weren't connected to our graphics project, but were still good things to know. Overall, I think that GRA 217 was a good experience and I would totally recommended taking it with Prof. Taylor to any of my classmates.

Friday, December 5, 2008


This is modamouth.com which is like a blog site. In terms of visual hierarchy, the most important things are made evident by the size of the font and usage of color. i like the background of the picture and how it is repeated in the subcatergories. The colors to me really pop out at you. i think their usage of whitespace and containers is very good. The only thing i would of done differently is the lenght of the paragraph. the paragraphs look extremely dense and one a blogsite its better to be short and to the point.


I believe that i have learned a lot from this class about layouts and how to create an effective one. I find myself look at things more critically. I notice the typeface and the color more than I have ever done in my life. Never have I ever brought a magazine but now I find myself buying magazines because of the layout. Learning the Adobe suite was extremely beneficial. I am now capable of doing more things to papers and projects. the only thing i would change is the blog postings. Its annoying to post every week. how about every two weeks???