Monday, December 1, 2008

Website Project!!

Design brief:
I used the same organization from my poster project for my interface project. Jazzmin Hall is a friend of mine that is trying to start a new program with in the community of Englewood for young female children. I tried to accommodate the different of needs her website. I tried t use pictures that were visually pleasing to adults as well as children.
I did a page for things that I thought were important to the organization and this event. I made a page for the home page which describes what the event is about. I did a page about the organization mission and the style of dance that is being offered. I did a page on joining the organization.
I did a page on contributing and contacting the org.
In each I provide quick reads that were long enough to give the read some insight but not to long to push them away. I provided extra links on the pages that you would see on really websites. For example, a link for directions.

I used verdana because this is the one out of the many typefaces that was recommended. It provided a small amount of versatility but definitely allowed me to follow the rule of visual hierarchy. Another thing about this font is that you could use it at a smaller size and it will still be legible.

I pulled the color out of the pictures that I used. I used mostly warm colors because I wanted her site to be warm and inviting. I also believe that it would make the website pop more than colors that were too dark or too light. In addition, the background is white; therefore, light colors would fade into the white. I felt that dark colors would not work with the theme of dance.


LilMizSunshyne said...
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LilMizSunshyne said...

As a dancer, you know that I am in love with the concept of your interface design. I really like how you used the shape of the dancer's body in order to point to the information regarding the event. I really like the top of each different page (like "contribute, membership, ect.) The pictures are really nice. I like the concept of the shoes in the "Get on Pointe" page, but I probably would have used a different photo without the jeans. Otherwise, I like your design, you did a great job! :)