Saturday, November 29, 2008

interface design

This web page is designed to attract both children and parents who might be interested in registering for the CNY Korean School. Therefore, my design strategy here was to put bright colors and cute icons to draw their attention. Bright colors such as red, purple, and yellow were chosen for the icons, and I purposely chose light shade of orange as sort of the main color for this webpage because it immediately caught my eyes and it seemed like an appropriate color for the concept. Each page has an icon that sums up what the page is basically; for example, in the “where we are” section, I drew a “car” to indicate what this page was going to be about. These icons are placed next to its headings to also indicate what the heading mean.

The links are in the shape of grass because when we think about things that children like to do, we make a link with outdoor activities. When the link is clicked, the entire link is highlighted in white which I think is pretty cool and unique.

I left the text box in white to show contrast with the colors around it. By doing this, I felt that it was much easier for readers to read the body text.

The lists on the page are placed in order so that it goes from most important ones to the least important ones.

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