Friday, November 14, 2008

magazine design

Although I am not quite finished with my magazine project, here is what I have so far. The name of the magazine is Stiletto, hence the Prada Monolo Blanik ad on the back. My story is about racism on the catwalk, and I wanted to illustrate that with the barbie models on the cover and the photos throughout. I'm not quite sure what color scheme I'm going to end up using for my deckhead and quotes as of yet, but here is just an example. I need to add captions to some of the photos still and more stories to the cover. I chose to do a third spread because I loved the picture of Jourdan Dunn and Josh Beech. Jourdan is one of the main models discussed in the article and I thought the photograph illustrated the racism in the industry very well. I also loved of the picture looked bleeding across the margin.


Amanda Charles said...
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Amanda Charles said...

i was saying i love the text wrap with the model's arm!