Friday, November 14, 2008

Story choice:
I really wanted to do a bridal magazine because I thought it would be a lot of fun to put together and it was. I didn’t want to do a story about dresses because it was cliché and overdone. I also didn’t want to do a feature about a particular person or event because it would have been difficult to find pictures of that exact event or person to go with the story. By looking on LexisNexis I found an article about a new trend in wedding cakes that would be fun, fresh and easier to get pictures of. I also new I wanted a story about wedding cakes because I liked the idea of having the history of the wedding cake as my sidebar and to be able to do that I had to find a story about cake.

Art design:
I designed the cover around the picture I happened to find. I loved the bouquet in the picture because it added color to a very white picture so I decided to bring the color out by using pink and green as my text on that page. The name of my magazine came from a phrase that is often told to the bride on her wedding day. I didn’t want anything that had the word bride in it because it is overdone. I also wanted a longer title so that it spread across the top of the page. It made for a better design look. I chose gold as the color for it because gold is a classic, elegant look, which are two words that I associate with brides. Also I wanted a color that would be able to remain the same for every issue so that the collection of magazines had a similar cohesive look.
I chose an ad for the back cover because it’s logical for a magazine to have an ad there. Engagement rings were a logical choice because of the wedding affiliation. All of the bridal magazines I’ve looked at have had engagement rings on the back.
The first spread was based on a picture I found of a cupcake cake. This picture had a great shape that allowed for a perfect place for the deck head. The other pictures I found for the spread had pinks, whites and beiges so I decided to play on the pinks and write the headline in it. I chose a font that was a script because I wanted it to look like someone could have written it in icing.
The second spread was based on the color scheme that appeared from the pictures I chose. All of the pictures went well together. The sidebar also played off the colors seen throughout the article. I especially played off the picture of the rose cake by using a pink background and adding red roses. By using a pink box for the sidebar it provided separation from the rest of the spread while connecting it to the article by having it be the same color as the dropped letter.

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