Friday, November 14, 2008

TRASH magazine....

Choice of Story:
The story I chose was about consumption and being eco-friendly. As Americans we are constantly consuming products that we don’t need and throwing away ones that are perfectly fine. I personally am not one of those people. I do most of my shopping at thrift stores as well as contribute products to thrift stores. At first, I wanted to do a spread on thrifting; however, there wasn’t a lot of information on it. The next best thing was an eco-friendly magazine with a feature article on thrifting. In addition, if this was a magazine, I was thinking how much shelf life would it have if it were solely on thrifting. Sooner or later the content would become repetitive. With a magazine on being eco-friendly, there’s a lot more to talk about. This magazine can be a global magazine that discusses problems in other countries besides America.
Verbal influences:
The words that influenced me were bamboo, thrift stores, landfill, and 68 pound of clothing. My first idea was to put bamboo on one sides and the price tags used in the thrift store on the other. I thought that this layout would be verbally pleasing. Unfortunately, I was unable to get the tags and had to come up with another solution. So instead, I used a picture of an inside of a thrift store. The pictures of the landfill weren’t flowing with the layout. I didn’t like it to much so I didn’t want to use it.

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