Thursday, September 11, 2008

Affliction Brand: Really Bad Typography

Ok. I don't have a personal hatred against this brand or anthing but I just want to say that the typography that Affliction brand uses here has got to be one of the worst. First off, if someone is unfamiliar with the brand I doubt that he/she would know what it is. Second, even if the person knows the brand it would be very hard to even read what it says.

If you look closely, the first image actully contains two words, Black and Affliction. This took me awhile to figure out because at first glance I thought the logo had much more to say than just Black Affliction. I expected it to have a deeper meaning than that because of its flashy and "artistic" style. But than again, this brand is mainly worn by the hardcore fans of Ultimate Fighting Championship...

This typography for me just doesn't work even if the brand wants to achieve that "dirty" and "barbaric" look. When I look at the logo of this brand, I feel like I'm taken back to the Medieval Age (it's ok if you don't have any clue to what I'm talking about; I don't really know what I'm saying either). The serifs are too elongated and sharp which give a messy look. Their choices of color and the images are kind of odd as well. Take a look at the second image. What the heck is that. I really don't see the conection between the images and the type of typography they used to create their shirt.

I hope we are on the same page. Thanks for reading this post!

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