Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"So close yet so far" Stephen Wilkes

The one thing that was interesting to me about Stephen Wilkes is the fact that he doesn't just take a photo. His photos speak to him and has energy. I feel that is important. Anyone can take a camera and shoot some amazing photos, but it takes a photographer to capture an image. When Wilkes spoke about his trip to China, he spoke about the intense focus that the people, from the children to adult, had on their faces. He had traveled to China 22 years ago and this would be his second trip. He expected to see the same China that he left; however, he discovered a hidden war between modernity and traditional; old China versus new China. This became the focus of his work. The contrasts between the two worlds. His worked highlight the influence the western civilaization has on this country. His favorite picture to him has the wieght of China's past in it. It's a picture of an art gallery with red walls and in between the walls is a little boy with a red shirt. His advice to the students that were packed in the room was to read and study their work. "The more you know about it the more it flows through you and shows in your finished project."

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