Thursday, September 18, 2008


Design Strategy:

My initial approach to the resume was to do a simple design so that it is attractive to the potential readers who may be business people. Because I'm double majoring with School of Whitman, I had to design it so that it would be acceptable to both schools. Upon long hours of thinking and looking at many of the resumes done by business students, I thought that my resume had to be different. It needed to be different not only to distinguish myself from others but because I realized that I might want to pursue my career in this field. 
I designed my resume so that it caters to everyone regardless of who is reading it. It is both friendly and sophisticated due to the types of fonts I chose. I utilized the white space so that it looks neat and clean. The first letter of my first name has been purposely enlarged to be used as the first letter of my last name. I kept this style consistent for each heading. The lines that go across the top and bottom are there to attract readers' eyes to the center. Limit to the colors was not an issue because my aim was to keep the design simple and orderly.

Choices of typeface: 
I chose Helvetica Neue and Myriad Web Pro as my typefaces because they seem to look very nice together. As mentioned above, these two fonts seem to cater to everyone. The Helvetica Neue font, in my opinion, sends a message to the readers that I'm a confident person, and Myriad Web Pro font seems to show my organized and neat side. Moreover, I wanted my resume to look modern so i chose fonts from the two sans serifs families. Helvetica Neue and Myriad Web Pro offer a geometrical look that is complementary to the overall organized look of my resume. 

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