Saturday, September 20, 2008


The theme for my design was "X-mark the spot!"
the whole idea of a hidden treasure chest. The design suggest that i am the person or hidden treasure that you've been looking for. I chose to lay it out like this because the lines create a neat and professional look. Its easy to read. Your eyes don't have to jump from one side to another. the usage of red makes it pop really well. My intended audience is public relation agencies that specializes in fashion and entertainment. I didn't want to create a resume that was to out there. i wanted something that was "fashionable forward," classic and chic. I think that overall i have some improvement to make to it. I think was an okay first step._____

The typefaces that were chosen in my resume were Bondoni and Calibri. I chose Bondoni because this is a typeface that is associated with the fashion industry and I want to work in that field. It’s also a modern serif, which I want to be associated with. That’s why I chose to use Calibri as my second typeface family. Calibri is a san serif, which is a modern race type. i think it is also a humanist type. Humanist types gives off a friendly and approachable feel. Seen i will be dealing with communications and different types of people, I want them to now that I am cool, down to earth person that easy to get along with. This family has contrasting types, normal counter and x-heights that are prefect for reading.

1 comment:

Mar said...

This is my favorite resume by far. It is simple, yet playful, and very professional- looking.