Monday, September 29, 2008

The end is near: Esquire's E-Ink paper

So Esquire's cover for their 75th anniversary has all sorts of flashing and moving words.

It blows my mind. How would you even lay out a page in InDesign for this?

Anyway, don't take my word for it. Check it out for yourself.


Nina Elias said...

This is amazing. Is this possibly the future of 'zine covers? Intense!! There's even a special way to RECYLCE the cover! hah! A new aspect for our graphic arts major?

Kelina said...

I was in Borders about a month ago when I first glanced at this cover. I thought it was like every other magazine until I looked again and it was different. If you pick it up, there is also an ad on the inside cover that uses the E-ink. Amazing? I think so.