Thursday, September 11, 2008

Awful Font- Week 3

I found this image on blog site dedicated to British pop star Kylie Minouge and the songs that she performs on her upcoming tour. My first reaction to the image when I saw it was, "What in the world does that say?" My initial answer to that question was that the font was very 80s, and considering the fact that Kylie Minougue was a huge star during that decade, I guess she just wanted to get back to her roots. While this font may seem appealing to those who are fans of Minouge, I think that the font really doesn't work because it is really difficult to read. I found my self at many times squinting to figure out what the different song titles were, but thanks to the blogger posting the song titles below the image, I was able to figure out the name of each track. Also, the font is very slanted as well and some of the letters are protrayed as ink blots, which makes it hard to decifer what the letter is. The font in general, in my opinion, is very retro, and would have worked a little bit better if the letters were more ledgible, maybe if the font was a bit larger, but still containing the style of Kylie Minouge's music. Many of the letters also run together, which causes the reader to make out one word, when it is really another. I also noticed that the song titles were not fully spelled out with letters, but rather with symbols. Also, some of the numbers look like letters and vice versa. I think it would have been better if the song titles were consistent as well. Symbols could have something that brought all the titles together, having at least one symbol in each of the song titles. Overall, I think font like this should probably kept in the time that it was popular and thriving.

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