Thursday, September 18, 2008

My Resume

Design Strategy:
My resume is intended to represent me while responding to my intended audience. My internship goals reach to teen fashion magazines, therefore, my use of color and font choices speak to that goal.
I wanted my wordmark to include color, and I wanted to fit the vertical design, to include headers on the left and content on the right. I did not want my resume to look crowded or over designed. The wordmark is clean – fashion font, stacked name. I also wanted a bit of my clever side to show, so I used color and the lowercase i’s to show creativity and consistency.

My wordmark and header font is Bauer Bodoni 2. I wanted to include the fashion font to speak to my audience, but I decided on the Bauer Bodoni version to make it stand out from all the other Bodoni’s. I liked its heavier weight – it seemed stronger to me in my wordmark than regular Bodoni. The serifs make beautiful, perfect lines – especially when the kerning is adjusted. This appealed to me more than any other font and made my name look simply perfect.
I picked a sans serif for my content font: Franklin Gothic Book. I used the regular posture for the names of the organizations, the bulleted items, and the contact information. I chose to use the italic posture for the position name because it brought the eye to the important information without screaming. This is also why I made it 50% gray.

I used CMYK color in my resume. The green is C=35 M=0 Y=100 K=13. The twist comes with the color in the extended “i.” I picked the bright green not only to stand out, but also because my eye is often very drawn to that color. I found it to be young and fresh, but also professional – exactly the message I need to execute.
I carried the color into the lowercase i’s in the headers, the bullets in the content and in the periods in my contact information. Using consistent color in these small, but effective ways really brings the resume together. I didn’t want it to scream “green!” I just wanted a little fun.

Paper: I chose 32 lb 100% cotton white resume paper. The resume stands up straight when held and the weight of the paper will stand out among other resumes. The color looks great when printed on the soft paper. I feel it emulates professionalism and attention to detail.

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