Friday, September 19, 2008


Design Strategy:

I decided to take a bit of a risk with my resume by picking very a feminine color. I like that my resume has a soft feeling. I decided to use two different fonts in my word mark to emphasize the first initials. I used bullets in my sections and I also created a border around my resume to frame it Finally, I tried to make the sections asymmetrical.

I am a Magazine major and I think I would probably make my resume a bit more sleek for an internship or job. I have a lot of different ideas about how I want to change my resume for the final copy and I think that the critique workshop was very helpful. My type choices were Voluta script for the "y" and "b" in my word mark. I used Nueva Std Condensed font 12 pt for the body text and 30pt for the word mark. I now think it is a bit too cramped and small. I would also like to make my word mark larger and remove the word contact.

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