Friday, September 12, 2008

Awful Type - Week 3

I stumbled upon the logo for the London Olympics for the year... well i'll let you guess.  Can you tell what year it is? Not me.  Once I realized it was supposed to represent a number (shocking, I know) I used some simple math to determine that it depicts the year 2012.  

Could have fooled me. 

First of all, the two "2's" are different.  In my opinion, the eye would look for uniform structure in the "2's" to determine the year.  They're completely different shapes! The "0" doesn't have a counter, and the "1"...well... I'm not sure what that is. 

I realize these are only numbers, but I think it's clear this type is a bit out there, and could never be used for body copy.  The bizarre and inconsistent shapes and the abundance of zigzags would look like gibberish in a big textual setting.  The letters are on the wide side, and they way they seem to fit together (not sure if kerning was adjusted for this logo) just scream "unreadable" to me.

And on the topic of the logo in general, apparently it's supposed to appeal to the "internet generation."

Right. Got it.

found it here and here.

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