Saturday, September 20, 2008


Design Strategy:
When I began this project I knew I wanted to create something that looked fun and relaxed, yet still very organized and structured. I am a very organized person and I definitely like things to be neat and in their place. However I also like to have fun and am a cheerful, friendly person, and I wanted my design to reflect those major aspects of my personality.
I think my choice of typefaces definitely contributed to this goal. Also, the lines bordering half of the resume certainly give it a very structured look and the abundance of white space in the margins and between sections of the body text give it a more relaxed feel.

Choice of Typefaces:
I chose two typefaces: Nueva Std and ITC Goudy Sans Std. I created the headers and body text using a combination of standard, bold condensed and light condensed versions of each font. I chose the Nueva Std for my name because I thought its subtle quirkiness reflected my fun side, but I also wanted to use it because of its serifs that make the design a little more formal. I like how the serifs and the high y-heights in the font contribute to framing the resume.
The ITC Goudy Sans Std in the body text and the contact information is an easier-to-read font because it’s sans serif, but it’s also a humanist font so it looks a little more friendly and approachable than a regular sans serif. My words are all lowercase except for a few proper nouns that I felt required capitalization to maintain formality in the resume.

I chose one color (C: 0 M: 98 Y: 73 K: 0) and black to implement my goals on this project. I felt that the strawberry color added just the right amount of emphasis on my name and helped with the element of repetition as it was used for all of the category headings as well.

For now I am using standard weight paper but I will reconsider this choice for the final turn-in.

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