Sunday, September 28, 2008

GEstALT principal

The logo is using the Gastalt principal of figure/ground. According to the textbook, Graphic Design Basics, the eye and mind separate an object (figure) from its surroundings (ground). The blocks of color and be seen as three separate pictures that are grouped together, which follows the principal of proximity; the closer visual elements are the more likely we'll see them as a group. Or the logo can be seen as a person stretching. Focusing on this logo will constantly take the switching of figure and ground. I believe this logo works. It is not to busy and is pretty simple. The way it is constructed I think is pretty clever. In the logo it talks about how relaxing and beautiful Norway is. Each of the blocks of color represent a different element of Norway. EARTH- beautiful surrounding, WIND- crisp clean and refreshing, WATER- clean. I think I'm SOLD!!!

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