Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Marina Zarya

Project Brief

Project 1, Resume Design



Design Strategy:

I was excited about putting a creative touch to my resume, especially since we are given a free re-do. I intended my resume to be original, practical, and at the same time revealing of my creative and outgoing personality. I decided to try something bold, eye-catching, and unique, but simple at the same time. Hence, my wordmark. My wordmark is the most worked-on piece of my resume because this is the “hook” that will hopefully reel in the viewer.


To better serve this purpose of reeling the viewer in, I used a little bit of color in the wordmark, but not too much, because that is not practical. The color in the dot of the “I” in the workmark is followed through in the bullets of my work experience part of my resume, which adds visual focus.


Choice of typefaces:

                  I chose Helvetica Neue Bold as the font for part my wordmark because it is very eye- catching and easy on the eye. Also, because of the wordmark design, I needed to create the A letters, so I chose a simple font that will not look too out of place with the line-created A of my workmark. To make the workmark simpler, I used caps. Also, I palyed with the sized and tracking in the letters of my name to make the A’s coincide, so that I could use one A for both each time that an A is used in me my first and last name. I created the dot on the eye with the ellipse tool and filled it in with red.


                  For the headers, I used Helvetica Neue Normal to create a visual link between the wordmark and body text of my resume. I originally wanted to use this font for the actual body text, and also chose it for its flexibility with its multiple variations.


For the body text, I used ITC Gothic because I thought it looked modern, yet legible. It is also very contrasting with the Helvetica Neue because it is light in comparison. I used different weights of it within the body text as well to make the body text easier to read. I sought a geometric and symmetric- looking typeface to work with my geometric wordmark, and to contrast with its asymmetry.



                  I chose red for my resume because I felt it best stood out with white and black. 

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