Thursday, September 18, 2008


Here's my resume.

Design Strategy:
I first approached this assignment by looking at how I would want to represent myself to potential employers. The traits I wanted presented were: friendly, straightforward, organized and creative. I achieved portraying these traits by choosing appropriate fonts, colors and layout.
I used this layout because I wanted my name to lead the reader into the body of the text. I did this by setting up the body of the resume centered under the wordmark. Another thing I wanted to do was play up the similarities between my first and last names. I like how there is a t in the middle of both names so I elongated the crossbars so that they stretched across the names. I changed the color of the dot in the i in both names so that it connected the names better and so that I could use them as bullets in my body text. I also wanted to elongate the leg of the Ks and turn them into descenders but I didn’t know how to do it so I left it as it is.

Choice of typefaces:
The typeface has to reflect my personality. Therefore I wanted a rounder sans serif font with bigger counter. I feel that the round sans serif font comes off as friendly. I didn’t want any slant to the letters because I’m a very straightforward person and I feel that italics doesn’t properly represent that. This is why I chose ITC Stone Informal Std for my wordmark. I also wanted a font with caps/lc because that is how a newspaper is written. It is also easier to read which is why I also used a caps/lc font in the body of the text.
I chose Avenir LT Std because it was a font from suitcase that others wouldn’t have and so it sets me apart from other applicants. I chose it because I wanted a sans serif font to match my wordmark and headers and I wanted a font family that had a lot of options so that I could create diversity among the body of my text.

Since my major is newspaper journalism, I wanted to use black (100%) and grey (34.56% and 50%) as my colors. These two colors are generally associated with my desired field and so I wanted to use them to brig in my newspaper association. I also wanted to use black and grey because I wanted to have contrast among my resume and I wasn’t sure if companies would have color copiers or color faxing machines, so I didn’t want to risk using color and have part of my resume lost along the way.

I wanted to use white because I feel that white looks clean and professional.

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