Friday, September 19, 2008


Design Strategy:
My goal was the make my resume as clear and readable as possible. I wanted to leave a good amount of white space and highlight important titles and experiences. I left larger margins and I tried to avoid clutter.
My audience is people in the magazine field, since I am a magazine major. I want to show them that I am visually aware and can focus on important information, just as you are expected to do in the magazine industry. I am trying to look professional and organized while being creative.

Choice of Typefaces:
For my wordmark, I chose to use Centaur MT Std. It is an old style serif, meaning that the stroke weight is more even and readable. Even though the wordmark is larger, I used the font for the headings of my resume. If I had used a modern serif, it would be harder to read in the smaller font.
I chose to use all lowercase for my first and last name because all of the letters are one story except for the “t” in my last name. This helped the accent mark on the second “e” stand out as something unique.
I did not make my word mark too large because I am not an overbearing person. I am easy going and I think the wordmark conveys that. I used black and green in order to join my first and last name while still being readable. The line descending from the third “e” also helps separate my first and last name. I extended the line from the last “n” in order to create a visual separation between my name and my address.
For the body of my resume, I used Gill Sans light and regular to contrast with the wordmark and headings. Gill Sans in a humanist sans serif. It emulates handwriting and looks more friendly and approachable, which I am trying to portray to the reader.

I chose to use green and black because green is distinct but not too boisterous. I am also very environmentally conscious and green is my favorite color.

For the first hand-in I printed on the lab’s paper. For the final hand in, I am going to use a heavier weighted white paper.

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