Friday, October 24, 2008

Letecha's LOGO

Design strategy:
My logo is constructed from my initials (LCD). I got the idea to do a face from the LG logo. I thought that this was the best way to construct a design that represented public relations, which is the career I am interested in. This way it is conveying the message without being cliché. I think it represents public relations in a very graphical way. In addition, round shapes are very pleasing to the eye because they are placid shapes.

I used pantone 116 EC. This color is a golden yellow. I wanted to highlight the C, which represents the mouth. Public relations is all about interpersonal skills and communications, so I wanted to light the ‘mouth” part to symbolize my interpersonal and communication skills. When I thought about valuable, I thought about gold. Gold might not have the same value now as it did before; however, that’s the only color I can portray. If I were to use sliver to represent platinum I think people would read it as gray and not platinum. Also, yellow is one of the colors that grab your attention. Even though, it is not yellow it is a variation of it.

Choice of Typefaces:
My logo is made up of letters. I couldn’t use serifs because it wouldn’t of fit in because of the extra block that it has at he base and top of the fonts. Sans do not have these. Therefore, I could draw lines around sans fonts and it would appear as though I actually created the letters. The typeface I used in my logo was Ocean sans. I used type repetition to link my logo to my word mark.

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