Wednesday, October 8, 2008

poster project

Design Strategy:
I wanted to create a poster that was clean and simple. I didn’t want a lot of background and so I decided to use one image with my text. I wanted the image to portray the idea that by giving blood, people would really help others. The idea for the superhero just came to me and I felt it matched this idea nicely. I decided to add the blood droplet on their uniforms to bring the blood drive into play. I wanted to still have some of the drawn aspect to make it seem like comic book heroes and so I drew it on a separate piece of paper and scanned it in.
The audience I was targeting was the campus community. I wanted a design that transferred well between the different schools and majors. I felt that a superhero was a concept that many people would be able to relate to.

Choice of typefaces:
I wanted a typeface that was versatile so that I could keep the fonts consistent throughout the poster, providing a uniform look but I wanted the option to present contrast by using different styles of the font family. This is why I chose Kepling Std.
I did the headlines in caps lock because I wanted a comic book, superhero type font. I also felt the caps lock made it more powerful and in your face, which is something I wanted to portray because giving blood is important. I did the headlines in italics because it made the words appear to be flying with the superheroes. Also, it’s a style that comic books usually use. I know that people don’t just read the word, but take in the shape of the word and the difference between caps and lc. Because of this I did the first letter of the words in the headline bigger than the rest of the word to give the illusion of capitalizing the word. Since the whole word was already in caps, this was the only way I could do it.
I did the information at the bottom of the page in black font and in caps/lc because it’s easier to read and this is the important information so there shouldn’t be confusion on that part.

I wanted to add color to my poster to attract people’s attention but I only wanted to do one color because it would be cheaper. I want these posters to be used and I didn’t want to deplete all of Crouse’s resources or money in the process.
I chose to use red (C=0, M=100, Y=100, K=0) as my one color because red is a warm color and it attracts people’s attention. Also red is the color associated with blood and this is a poster for a blood drive.

I wanted to do it on white paper because white is easier to acquire and so it would be easier to make many copies. Also I think white looks best with my black and red color choices.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Really liked this poster, thought your idea was clever!