Friday, October 24, 2008

Logo Design!

Design Strategy:

Originally, I thought that coming up with a logo for my name was going to be quite difficult, seeing as though my name doesn’t uniquely have even letters or my intitials don’t spell out an actual word. After playing with all three letters though, I came to a conclusion that it was a good thing that my initials were a palindrome because I could use one letter as the dominant, and the others would be able to uniquely fit with it. I would have loved to use just the letter “C” in my logo, but I discovered that idea has already been trademarked and is known worldwide.
I love music, so I wanted to play on the idea of having my logo represent the treble clef in a different way, with the dots on each side of the curvature of the letter “S”. Also. the two dots represent the separation of each letter in my initials, so I thought that was cool for me to use them as well. I didn’t know at first how I was going to convey my idea and how I was going to use font, but the paintbrush tool became quite the resource. The letter “S” is by far my favorite part because it looks like an “S” I would write to begin my middle name. I wanted my logo to be simple as possible, but still envoke class, sophistication, and who I am.

Choice of Typefaces:

The letter “C” in my logo is the typeface ITC Fenice STD, which is a serif font. I thought that this font was different in the sense that it uniquely resembled the letter “S” that I drew with the paint brush tool. Also, I wanted a versitle typeface family so I could stay in one typeface and still achieve contrast.

The color I used in my logo is R=210 G=99 B=161, which is the color pink. I love the color pink, and I also wanted to have a similar color that is present in my resume.

I did not want to use a particular type of paper for my stationery because I thought that it would take away from the boldness of my logo, so I will just use reguarl white paper.

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