Friday, October 10, 2008

Poster Project

Design Strategy:
For this project, I chose to make a poster for The Dougy Center, a non-profit organization from my hometown. The Dougy Center hosts group sessions where children, teens and adults can speak openly about their experiences with death. Personally, I attended groups at the center and I wanted to incorporate my personal experience in order to help the organization.

I started by brainstorming ideas and finally settled on the idea of fading photographs. To connect the visual to the headline, I partially grayscaled a picture of my father and myself when I was younger and placed the photo at a thirds point to create the most impact. I then framed the photo using strokes from Illustrator. I pulled the color of the drapes in the photo and used it as the background color. Overall, I wanted it to be simple with direct text.

Choice of typefaces:
The typeface family I chose was Century Schoolbook. I wanted a serif font with a level “e” and an interesting “i.” In the word memories, I transformed the letter “i” into a candle by creating a teardrop-shaped flame for the dot. Candles are used at the end of every program meeting to represent the thoughts, prayers and wishes of the participants. I chose to put “The Dougy Center” in small caps to differentiate between it and the headline.

I pulled the background color from the drapes. It is C- 3.14%, M- 5.49%, Y- 14.9% and K- 0%. The only other color used in the poster is the photograph and the flame of the candle, which has a lower tint.

1 comment:

Letecha Dixon said...

I seen this poster hanging up some where and I was thinking to myself, "Wow, that's a great poster!"